


《百灵鸟英文经典世界名著第一辑(套装共20册)》威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆、海明威、茨威格 等【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】



《如果…怎么办?对荒谬假设问题的严肃科学回答》原名《What If?:Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions》【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


内容简介:From the creator of the wildly popular webcomic xkcd, hilarious and informative answers to important questions you probably never thought to ask.Millions of people visit xkcd.com each week to read Randall Munroe’s iconic webcomic. His stick-figure drawings about science, technology, language, and love have a large and passionate following.Fans of xkcd ask Munroe a lot of strange ques[……]阅读全文

《人工智能超级大国:中国、硅谷和世界新秩序》原名《AI Superpowers:China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order》【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


内容简介:Dr. Kai-Fu Lee—one of the world’s most respected experts on AI and China—reveals that China has suddenly caught up to the US at an astonishingly rapid and unexpected pace. In AI Superpowers, Kai-fu Lee argues powerfully that because of these unprecedented developments in AI, dramatic changes will be happening much sooner than many of us expected. Indeed, as the US-Sino AI[……]阅读全文

《让我说完:特朗普,库什纳,班农,新泽西,和当面政治的力量》原名《Let Me Finish: Trump, the Kushners, Bannon, New Jersey, and the Power of In-your-face Politics》Chris Christie【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


内容简介:After dropping out of the 2016 presidential race, Chris Christie stunned the political world by becoming the first major official to endorse Donald Trump. A friend of Trump's for fifteen years, the two-term New Jersey governor understood the future president as well as anyone in the political arena--and Christie quickly became one of Trump's most trusted advisers. Tapped with runni[……]阅读全文

《谦虚的询问:问而不说的温和艺术》原名《Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling》Edgar H Schein【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


内容简介:We live, says Ed Schein, in a culture of Tell. Rather than trying to genuinely relate to other people we tell them what we think they need to know or should do based on assumptions we've made about them. But telling makes people feel inferior - it shuts them down. This is particularly true of interactions between superiors and subordinates, and that's where it's particularly pr[……]阅读全文

《品牌故事的法则:赢得并留住客户的心》原名《The Laws of Brand Storytelling: Win―and Keep―Your Customers’ Hearts and Minds》Ekaterina Walter【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


内容简介:From the bestselling authors of The Power of Visual Storytelling comes the highly anticipated follow-up, The Laws of Brand Storytelling―the definitive quick-reading rulebook for how to use the power of storytelling to win over customers’ hearts, minds, and long-term loyaltyWe have been sharing stories from the beginning of human civilization―for good reason. Stories captivate our a[……]阅读全文

《你做到了:如何做你自己,用你所拥有的去得到你想要的》原名《You Do You: how to be who you are and use what you’ve got to get what you want》Sarah Knight【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


内容简介:From the New York Times bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck and Get Your Sh*t Together comes more straight talk about how to stand up for who you are and what you really want, need, and deserve -- showing when it's okay to be selfish, why it's pointless to be perfect, and how to be "difficult."Being yourself should be easy, yet too many of us struggle[……]阅读全文

《穆罕默德:帝国冲突中的和平先知》原名《Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires》Juan Cole【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


内容简介:In the midst of the dramatic seventh-century war between two empires, Muhammad was a spiritual seeker in search of community and sanctuary.Many observers stereotype Islam and its scripture as inherently extreme or violent-a narrative that has overshadowed the truth of its roots. In this masterfully told account, preeminent Middle East expert Juan Cole takes us back to Islam's-and the P[……]阅读全文

《模型思考者:您需要知道什么才能使数据为您工作》原名《The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You》Scott E.Page【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


内容简介:From the stock market to genomics laboratories, census figures to marketing email blasts, we are awash with data. But as anyone who has ever opened up a spreadsheet packed with seemingly infinite lines of data knows, numbers aren’t enough: we need to know how to make those numbers talk. In The Model Thinker, social scientist Scott E. Page shows us the mathematical, statistical, and c[……]阅读全文

《科学年历:从石器到太空旅行的视觉历史》原名《Science Year by Year: A Visual History, From Stone Tools to Space Travel》DK【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】



《重塑商业模式:如何抓住转型增长的空间》原名《Reinvent Your Business Model: How to Seize the White Space for Transformative Growth》【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


作者简介:In his pioneering book Seizing the White Space, Mark W. Johnson argued that business model innovation is the most proven path to transformational growth. Since then, Uber, Airbnb, and other startups have disrupted whole industries; incumbents[……]阅读全文

《真实性:我们对这个世界错误的十个原因,以及为什么事情比你想象的要好》原名《Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better》【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


作者简介:INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER“One of the most important books I’ve ever read—an indispensable guide to thinking clearly about the world.” – Bill Gates“Hans Rosling tells the story of ‘the secret s[……]阅读全文

《笑的策略:掌握会话幽默,在命令下搞笑-脚踏实地快速思考》原名《Laugh Tactics: Master Conversational Humor and Be Funny on Command Think Quickly on Your Feet》【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


作者简介:Exact phrases to develop your sense of humor, master witty remarks, make people laugh, and be funnier – even if you’re not naturally funny. Laugh Tactics is full of strategies that dissect, break down, and analyze all of the types[……]阅读全文

《问一位科学老师:关于这些东西是如何工作的250个问题的答案》原名《ASK A SCIENCE TEACHER: 250 Answers to Questions You’ve Always Had About How Everyday Stuff Really Works》【文字版_PDF电子书_推荐】


作者简介:Fun and fascinating science is everywhere, and it’s a cinch to learn—just ask a science teacher!We’ve all grown so used to living in a world filled with wonders that we sometimes forget to wonder about them: What creates the[……]阅读全文